2022-09-25/26 Keep Kentwood Green Tilehurst
30 images Created 25 Sep 2022
Tilehurst, UK. 25th-26th September, 2022. Local residents and allotment holders campaigning as Keep Kentwood Green protest against the proposed sale and development for housing of a wildlife-rich area of woodland and undergrowth situated between Armour Hill and Kentwood Hill, asserting the recorded presence of badgers, foxes, slow worms, muntjac deer, bats and other species at the site. Pre-survey clearance work was scheduled to take place from 26th September but appears to have been delayed by community action. The site is owned by Tilehurst Poor's Land Charity (TPLC) and lies alongside allotments and an area known as “The Withies (both of which also owned by TPLC) which is currently protected as an area of identified biodiversity interest. A recent badger survey by Binfield Badger Group confirmed the presence of a large active badger sett and badger activity across the entire site.