2020-07-27 HS2: Calvert Jubilee Nature Reserve
44 images Created 28 Jul 2020
Calvert, UK. 27th July, 2020. Calvert Jubilee Nature Reserve is a tranquil 22-hectare nature reserve around a deep lake on a site from which clay was previously extracted for the brick industry in Calvert, Buckinghamshire. It is managed by the Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire Wildlife Trust (BBOWT) and is home to bittern, breeding tern and some of the UK's rarest butterflies including all five UK hairstreak butterfly species. On 22nd July, BBOWT reported that it had been notified of HS2 Ltd.’s intention to take possession of a large part of Calvert Jubilee nature reserve on 28th July to undertake unspecified clearance works in connection with the HS2 high-speed rail link. It is expected that the works would destroy an area on the eastern side of the nature reserve, which is home to the rare black and brown hairstreak butterflies and contains flower-rich grassland and important scrub habitats which support breeding warblers. Read about Calvert Jubilee nature reserve on the BBOWT website at: https://www.bbowt.org.uk/nature-reserves/calvert-jubilee.